issues with program

Someone please help, the double do-while loop in case 'c' is not seeming to work. So, what I'm trying to do is that if no PID have arrived or they have all been died then it lets the user know, otherwise it goes on with the instructions below that.

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Please Help! Any suggestions would be appreciated! I think it might have something to do with the break in these line below but I can't figure out exactly what it is, or maybe the do-while loop is not right for this.

cout<<"Cannot make system call for device-CPU, and therefore Ready Queue, are empty!"<< endl;
Hi, on line 25 if (number > c || number < 1){ .
Where is the variable c defined? Did you mean 'c'?
But then note that you're now comparing an int to a char, and this actually is allowed, but might not be what you want the program to do.

This also will not compile (line 43 and 49)
cout<<"Process with PID " << << " sent to CD/RW " << number <<endl<<endl;
Notice the two << right next to each other.

In the future, you should expand on "is not seeming to work" means. Does this mean the program won't compile, or the logic at runtime isn't correct?

Also make sure you have a matching closing brace with each opening brace at the end of your code.
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So the issue with my program is here, like the first time no PID have arrived so it outputs it, but then its ignored after that. So, until PID2 arrives, it's supposed to output that again, and so on. And like if PID2 is terminated, then it's supposed to output that again.

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