how do I find the pivots of my matrix

I want to get non-singular matrix with the C++ linear algebra library eigen, but I do not know which function works, any help will be very appreciated.

assume that X is matrix with dimension of 100*50. I want to get (X.transpose()*X).inverse() in C++, but error is that singular matrix occurs. Multicollinearity occurs in some columns of matrix, i just want to get non-singular matrix.
Here is the matrix pivot in R software:


and the result is: qr(X)$pivot= 1 2 4 5 7 10 ..(11-41).. 42 45 49 50 3 6 8 9 43 44 46 47 48, that is non-singular matrix contains columns except for 3 6 8 9 43 44 46 47 48
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That library looks really nice!
Looking at the docs, it doesn't look much like there is a function to do it, but you can create one yourself.

Given, for example, the following matrix:

1 0 0 0 
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

You can find pivots by scanning left and down, in that order:

int m = 0;
int n = 0;
while ((m < r.rows()) && (n < r.cols()))
  if (r( m, n ) != 0)
    cout << "pivot at " << m << ", " << n << " = " << r( m, n ) << "\n";
  else m++;

This is faster than you think, O(N+M) time. Make sure to use an upper triangular matrix (I see you are using R, good).

Hope this helps.
@Duoas Sorry, may be my problem is vague, i will edit it.
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I'd say that counts as a totally different question than "how do I find the pivots of my matrix."

As for finding a non-singular matrix, that is not always possible. (It is actually fairly rare.) [edit] that is to say, most matrices are not invertible.
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[Continuing from a PM asking for explanation about matrices being invertible]
Sorry, I was half asleep, and made a dumb comment.

Most matrices are not invertible, because only square matrices are invertible. If I had been paying attention (or awake) I would have noticed that OP was obviously playing with square matrices...

If you want to find the inverse of your matrix it must have certain properties. Uh, here
If your given matrix does not satisfy those properties, then you must permute it in some way such that it does. Here's an explanation for you

Hope this helps.
@Duoas So good answer. thank you!
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