I need a hand in some C++ codes :(

Using the switch statement, write a program that allows the user to convert either from degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit or degrees
Fahrenheit to Celsius. Use the following formulas:
degreesC = 5(degreesF-32)/9
degreesF = (9(degreesC)/5) + 32
Prompt the user to enter a temperature and either a 'C'(or 'c') for
Celsius or an 'F'(or 'f') for Fahrenheit: allow
either upper or lower case,
but if anything other than 'C', 'c', 'F', or 'f' is entered, print an error
message that tells the user how to enter a valid selection (upper or lower case 'C' or 'F').

Perform the above program again using multiple conditions in the
if statement.

Write a program in C++ to
accept number to find if even or odd. The program will terminate after 15 entries. Then output how many even numbers & odd numbers.

Write a C++ program that accept pairs of numbers, calculate the
sum, if the sum is positive display message “The sum is positive”. The program terminates after 10 entries.

and thank you guys so much!
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Where is your code??.... try to do by yourself and we help you....
it too simple... try to do it
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