Would it be quicker to use a binary heap to get the top x amount of integers from an array or use quick sort

To get the highest X amount of integers from an array, do you guys think that using a binary heap like this would be quicker:

binary heap to get the highest integer
store the highest integer
remove the highest integer from the array
repeat until we have the highest X amount from the array

Or would it be faster to just use quick sort and take the top x amount of integers from the array?.

EDIT: I should also add that the array can't stay sorted as it has several variables that we want to sort by, e.g:

class cl{
int var;
int var1;
int var2;
cl clArr[100];

So, we can request to get the highest integers from any of the variables.

Writing it down, it seems like a quick sort may be a better idea, although I'd like some opinions please, mostly what would be the fastest option.

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That doesn't answer my question, but thanks for the suggestion.

Does anyone have an opinion on my question?.
That doesn't answer my question
It actually does.
It states that nth_element has average linear complexivity.
Using heap you have linear complexivity of making heap and x*log(n) for extracting values. Depending on relative sizes of n and x total complexivity is somewhere between linear and n*log(n).

So nth_element is expected to be faster and easier to use in this case.

Sorting has O(n*log(n)), so sorting whole sequence is counter-productive.

If you need to get x highest values in order from highest to lowest, use partial_sort
or partial_sort_copy
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