"fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'cstlib': No such file or directory"

When i run the program code,it shows "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'cstlib': No such file or directory"

This is the program code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstlib>

using namespace std;

const int size=100;

struct student {
string name[60];
string id;
string course;
string courname;

void enter(),init_list(),display();
void update(),input(int i);
int menu();

int main()
char choice;
for(;;) {
choice = menu();
switch(choice) {
case 'e':enter();
case 'd':display();
case 'u':update();
case 'q':return 0;


void init_list()
int t;

for(t=0; t<size; t++) *student[t].name = '\0';

int menu()
char ch;
cout << '\n';
do {
cout << "(E)nter\n";
cout << "(D)ispaly\n";
cout << "(U)pdate\n";
cout << "(Q)uit\n\n";
cout << "Choose one: ";
cin >>ch;
return tolower(ch);

void enter()
int i;

for(i=0; i<size; i++)

if(!*info[i].name) break;

if(i==size) {
cout << "List full.\n";


void input(int i)

cout << "Enter your name: ";
cin >>info[i].name;
cout << "Enter your id: ";
cin >> info[i].id;
cout << "Enter your course: ";
cin >> info[i].course;
cout << "Enter your course name: ";
cin >> "info[i].coursename;

void update()
int i;
string name[60];
cout << "Enter name: ";
cin >>name;
for(i=o; i<size; i++)
if(!strcmp(name,info[i].name)) break;
if(i==size) {
cout << "Name not found.\n";
cout << "Enter new information.\n";

void dispaly()
int t;
for(t=0; t<size; t++) {
if(*info[t].name) {
cout << info[t].name<< '\n';
cout << "Name: "<<info[t].name;
cout << "ID: " <<info[t].id;
cout << "Course code: "<<info[t].course;
cout << "Course name: "<<info[t].courname;
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