2D Graphics

I've started with making games in C++, and it's fun as fluff.
Anyways, I've only made a simple game so far. It's only triangles and stuff, so I haven't got that into making characters etc.
But now I'm making a more advanced game, and I've come to the character graphics now. What should I use for it? Making small boxes for every details etc will be a pain in the ass. So I thought about image files, but I do not want the user to modify the graphics, so how should I do it?
Thanks in advance!
I do not want the user to modify the graphics
Why? There is literally no game which you are not able to modify, be it with or against authors will. If somebody wants to modify your game, he will. It is impossible to completely protect from that.

Something you can do: hide image file existence. Pack it in archive, make it unopenable by common archivers, change extension to something innocent, like .res.
Alternatively check checksum of files you are loading.
CSGO, Cod, etc. To make it so nobody gets an unfair advantage easily, but hey, it's a 2D game. It would not be a big problem..
Anyways, thanks for your answer!

Hell, if you search enough you will find ones which works even online and give you advantage. (Radar one in CS Go isn't looks like it will be going soon)
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