learn visual basic while i know all basics of c++

I found that using visual basic it is quiet easy to make a program look good. More over make them a gui, while learning c++ for windows (WIN32 API) has quiet a lot of code into it. So i wanted to convert some of my c++ programs to visual basic one. If there was a easy way( less time comsuming one). because i know the basic of c++.
VB makes a lot of stuff easy.

Is there a question here?
Yes actually i searched the net and answers didnt satisfy me. i want to know " Is learning vb or even vb .net worth it? " and how should anyone who know the basics of c++ learn vb easily.
I would say it is worth it.

VB isn't that difficult. It's fairly pedantic in a wordy way. Just jump in with a book or tutorial or even just an online reference and see what you can do and if you like it enough to continue.
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