LINUX/UNIX c++ equivalent of chdir()?


When programming under Windows VC++ gives you this nifty command to change the working directory of the application (assuming you include direct.h)

_chdir(const char* WorkingDirectoryToChangeTo);

My first set of questions are (1) what is the GCC/G++ equivalent of this command and (2) what include file do I need to include for it?

My second set of questions are (1) what is the #DEFINE to use to specify only Linux GCC/G++ code? For example, to set a C++ section to be Windows ONLY I use the #if defined(_WIN32) directive.

What is the Linux equivalent?

Thank you!

So I answered my own questions:

The chdir question:

And the #DEFINE for Linux question:

Thanks to anyone looking into this in the meantime for me. Much appreciated.
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