unable to access the array value after two structure array pointer.

hi all,
i am unable to access the array value after two structure array pointer.
so pls guide were i am making wrong ...
my intention is to get table content fill in this structure and parse to char*.

below i mentioned code snippet,

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef char int8;
typedef short int16;
typedef long long32;
typedef int int32;
typedef float int64;
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef unsigned long ulong32;

* Structure for Packing the Column data of Table from Database TO DAL
typedef struct tstColumndata
int8 acColumnfield[ 20];

* Structure for Packing the Rowdata of Table from Database TO DAL
typedef struct tstRowdata
tstColumndata *pstColumndata; ///< Table Column structure pointer
// int8 acrowfield[ 20];

* Structure for Packing the Tabledata from Database TO DAL
typedef struct tstTabledata
uint32 uiRowval; ///< Max Row
uint32 uiColumnval; ///< Max Column
tstRowdata *pstRowdata; ///< Table Row structure pointer

int main(void) {

// Getting Row Value of table
tstTabledata stTabledata;
stTabledata.uiRowval = 3;
printf("stTabledata.uiRowval :%d \n",stTabledata.uiRowval);

// Getting Column Value of table
stTabledata.uiColumnval = 6;
printf("stTabledata.uiColumnval :%d \n",stTabledata.uiColumnval);

// Allocating Memory for pstRowdata pointer
stTabledata.pstRowdata = new tstRowdata[ stTabledata.uiRowval ];

// Allocating Memory for pstColumndata pointer
stTabledata.pstRowdata->pstColumndata = new tstColumndata[ stTabledata.uiColumnval ];

for (volatile uint8 iRow = 0; iRow < stTabledata.uiRowval; iRow++)
for (volatile uint8 iField = 0; iField < stTabledata.uiColumnval; iField++)

strcpy( stTabledata.pstRowdata[iRow ].pstColumndata [ iField ].acColumnfield, "ffff");

printf("stTabledata.pstRowdata[%d].pstColumndata [ %d ].acColumnfield:%s\n",iRow ,iField,stTabledata.pstRowdata[iRow ].pstColumndata [ iField ].acColumnfield);

return 0;

with regards,
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