Creating slidebar

Im trying to create a slide bar. My problem is that when i drag the slider then let go of the mouse button the slider goes back to the start 0

im pre sure its because im setting sliderx inside function.
im not sure how to set the sliderx float from the sliderValue
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Okay so we're just going to do some algebra to figure out how to calculate sliderx given SliderValue.

We know the following.

SliderValue = ((max - min) / (w))*(sliderx - x + sliderw / 2);

If we divide both sides by ((max - min) / (w)) we now have

SliderValue/ ((max - min) / (w)) = (sliderx - x + sliderw / 2);

If we add x to both sides we get

(SliderValue/ ((max - min) / (w)) ) + x = (sliderx + sliderw / 2);

And finally, if we subtract sliderw/2 from both sides we get

(SliderValue/ ((max - min) / (w)) ) + x - sliderw/2 = sliderx;

Therefore, we can calculate sliderx by doing

sliderx = (SliderValue/ ((max - min) / (w)) ) + x - sliderw/2;
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omg thanks so much.

Could you please click the check mark so that people can see that the topic was solved without clicking on it?

And no problem, glad I could help. :)
Sorry i have one small problem.

if i draw my slider with (min = 0, max = 100) it works fine
but if i draw it with (min = 50, max = 100) the sliders min ends up being 0 and the max ends up as 50
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