Reading and Writing files

I have to write a program that sorts names and grades from a file and output them to another.

For example:

Name: Peter Parker
Exam 1: 95
Exam 2: 90.625
Exam 3: 91.20

Name: Mary Smith
Exam 1: 65
Exam 2: 79.1234
Exam 3: 70.24

Becomes something like this in the output file:

Name: Parker, Peter
Average Score: 92.28
Grade: A

Name: Smith, Mary
Average Score: 71.45
Grade: C

I'm really at a lost. I know I'm supposed to read the whole file, but I'm getting really confused on how to take the name of each student separately without recording Exam 1, 2, and 3. I think if I figure that out, I'll be able to do the average score and grade on my own. So, my question is, can someone give me a nudge in the right direction?
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you should store data line by line as you show here. then read data line by line.
you can skip no of line use skip function.
Thanks for the help, I stored the data line-by-line as you said, and I completely understood how to do the rest.
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