Please help me Template this project

The program that I have created will eather generate a .txt file full of random numbers, or load the numbers from an existing text file.

These numbers will be sorted using MAP, with the number being the KEY, and the number of times it appeares in the file being the VALUE. Also, the largest number, and the most common number is calculated.

In order to complete this program, I need to apply templates to it, to allow not only integers, but string as well. However, I'm really bad at working with templates. Not to mention, writing these methods for string format would be hard. In order to generate a random string, I would need to generate a random string lenght, and then for reach character, generate a random number and use that ASCII symbol. I would also need to write a way to compare strings, and calculating the biggest string (which means longest).

Can anyone please help me with that? The program that I wrote (for integers only) can be downloaded from the link below
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