How to run a a program from within a program (compile another program)

So i have a executable that i have that writes to certain header files storing variables and stuff, then this file is moved to another folder with source to another program.
What i want is a program to call in my compiler (g++) and compile this source and stuff without the user having to having to hand compile from aterminal, a simple execute this program with a click and the compiling is done without typing. But i would i be abble to call my compiler in the c++ code
how would i be able to write "g++ sourcefile.cpp -o outputtedexecutable">
I've heard system is unsafe
You asked how to make it work. system is unsafe in that it could be exploited.

I would use a DOS bat file to call your C++ program, compiler, scripts...
What particular problem are you trying to solve with this approach? Usually programs stay the same and just load data from files. (i.e. what is the "stuff" -- variable could obviously just be read from file.)


PS The WinAPI function which loosely corresponds to Linux's fork() is CreateProcess.
See MSDN or search this forum (and further afield) for example use.
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