Split string


I would like to know, how could I split a string in all possible way?

For example: 123456789

It's easy to write the code, to split into two.
1 23456789
12 3456789
123 456789
1234 56789
12345 6789
123456 789
1234567 89
12345678 9

And it's also easy to write a code to split into 3.
But, I can't figour it out, how could I split in all possible way? (into 1,2,3,...n)
The problem is, that I don't know, how long is the input.

Have anybody any idea?

What do you need? Calculate amount of splits or actually generate all possible splits?
Generate all of them.
The number of all splits is 2^(n-1) where n is the lenght of the string.
Each split of string with length n can be represented by n-1 binary digits where nth digit is denoting if there should be split between nth and n+1th string symbol.
number:  0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
string: 1 2 3|4 5 6 7 8|9
As you can see from example number 00100001b is denoting split 123 45678 9.
As there 2n-1 possible binaly numbers with lenght of n-1, there exactly that number of splits.
So you just need to create function which will give you a split based on number, generate all possible binary numbers and call that function with each number.
Thats a cool idea!! Thank you!!
how could I split in all possible way?

A naive approach would be just to either insert a space or not?

(a) start

(b) insert a space before second char, or not
1 234

(c) insert a space before third char, or not
12 34
1 234
1 2 34

(d) insert a space before fourth char, or not
123 4
12 34
12 3 4
1 234
1 23 4
1 2 34
1 2 3 4

(Trivial to code with recursion...)

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closed account (owCjz8AR)
using namespace std;
void main()
string st = "123456789";
int count = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < st.length() -1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < st.length(); j++)
if (count== j)
cout << " ";
cout << st[j];
cout << st[j];
cout << endl;
Recursion is a good idea, but I would like to store them in a 2 dimensional vector.
If the the lenght of the input is n than I will have max. n pieces. And the number of all combination is 2^(n-1).

So I need to store them in a nĂ—2^(n-1) matrix. But n isn't a constant, so I have to use vectors.

I would like to use the substr() function to split the string.

Any idea?
set the beginning character to 0.
iterate over "split" array. As soon as you encounter 1, remember its position n. If no 1 is found, set n to size of split array;
set the end character to n;
extract substring [0,n];
if we still not reach the end of split array:
set beginning character to end character + 1; 
continue iterating through split array (go to 2nd line)
Any idea?


But I think the next step is for you to have a go at coding some sort of solution!

Andy :-)
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Yes, but my problem is, that I would like to seperate the substrings.
For example:

1 2 3456789
1 23 456789
1 234 56789
1 2345 6789
1 23456 789
1 234567 89
1 2345678 9
12 3 456789
12 34 56789
123456 7 89
123456 78 9
1234567 8 9

So this is a matrix. I want to use a 2D vector, not to put them in one.
Yes Andy, you are right! :)
I'm trying it for a while. I just would like to get ideas. I don't give up!

Edit: I coded the solution what MiiNiPaa mentioned, but I think it takes more time to generate all the binary numbers and then split with the binary.
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Well, try coding a function that does just the first split.

Then one which does the first and second.

Then one which does the first three splits; at that point you should start to see how to make it recursive.


OK, I'll try.
Example of doing it my way: http://ideone.com/fBUAcx
Thank you very much MiiNiPaa!! It works perfectly!

In some version of MingGW the to_string() function doesn't works because of a bug.

But it can be easily fixed:

namespace patch
    template < typename T > std::string to_string( const T& n )
        std::ostringstream stm ;
        stm << n ;
        return stm.str() ;

And instead of:

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