function definition is marked dllimport

I am a total newbie in C++, so please forgive my very elementary questions. I did google but could not find a sensible answer.

I used DevC++ to build and test a very simple project I found. It is supposed to make a DLL. AT this function I get error:
function 'int GetPluginInfo ...' definition is marked dllimport

Here is the code (I am sure it does not help much):
PLUGINAPI int GetPluginInfo( struct PluginInfo *pInfo )
*pInfo = oPluginInfo;
return TRUE;

Could you tell me what I could look for, to fix this? Since this is code I found and I know it works (for VC++ 6 at least), then maybe it has to do with the settings of Dev C++.

I have set the compiler options to create code for ISO C++11.
If you are creating a DLL then the function should be marked as dllexport and not import

read about dllimport/dllexport at
Hello codewalker

You are right, thank you for the tip.

After more research I found the solution:
I have to set the follwing compiler options (Tools -> Compiler Options -> General):

Notice the -D_USRDLL. In a header file (plugin.h) there is the code:
// all exportable functions must have undecorated names
#ifdef _USRDLL
#define PLUGINAPI extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
#define PLUGINAPI extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)

So I guess the compiler option USRDLL forces the
#define PLUGINAPI extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)

BTW, the project is the Amibroker ADK:

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