can u solved this?

Write a program which will implement the OnlineStore system. This will includes-

- Store, Accounts and Product class
- Store is the class that directly involves with Accounts and Products class
- Accounts is the class which is linked with Products class, as products involve transactions
- Product class is responsible keeping the information of about products [product_id, name, price]
- You also need to implement a display function which will show the details info of a particular class and this function need to be define in all classes.

Create a Store class that stores store_name, store_id, type of store. From this derive the classes Accounts and Product to make them more specific for their requirements. Include required member functions to achieve the following tasks:

a. update_balance is the function that updates the balance of the store
b. display the balance
c. display purchase ammount and sell ammount
d. display details about individual transactions of the products

do not use any constructors. Use member functions to initialize class members.

- Finally manipilate all the properties from main function.
We won't do your homework for you. Have a go at writing it, and then get back to us when you have specific problems.
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