Checking URL Validity

I have a tricky question.

I wrote a very simple program that creates plausible URLS with parameters that I have placed and want to know which of these combinations are valid URLS on the regular internet and which aren’t.

Sorry if this blurs the real question, which is: using c++, how can I heck if a URL that I’ve generated randomly is a valid web address or not.

For all I know this may be impossible (or extraordinarily difficult), if so please let me know.

What level of validity are we talking about? Do you want to know if there could ever exist something at a given URL, or do you want to know if there actually exists something at that URL?
I'm looking for a true if there actually exists something at that URL and a false if the browser cannot find the server.
Use libcurl to make a GET request with the URL.
When you say valid, do you mean registered, in use or simply possible ?
To SamuelAdams, read what I said to helios, I answered this question.
Even if you use libcurl to actually make a request to the server, be aware that some servers are configured to reply with 200 OK even they display their 404 Not Found error page.
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