GUI/Multimedia library that supports flexible window set size function.

This is what normal set window size function looks like in most libraries...

void setWindowSize(int width, int height);

When I use this function, my window will append its length and height to right and down. But I want to be able to set my window size to left and up too.

void resizeWindow(int left_width, int right_width, int top_height, int down_height);

If you don't understand my question, let's say that there is a window(and it's undecorated, can't resize, no close button) and I want my window to be able to append to all directions(left, right, up, down) which GLFW and SFML doesn't support...

I think win32 supports it but is there cross-plaform library that can satisfy my requirements? thanks...
Isn't this just the same as setting the x/y positions of the window while changing the width/height so it all makes sense?

It looks like SFML supports that. Otherwise I don't understand.
Well I kinda thought about that but wouldn't that be very laggy? If someone tried this before please let me know...otherwise I have to use win32...
Looking at the SFML source calling setPosition on your window goes directly to Win32's SetWindowPos function (line 277). So I don't think going to win32 will be any faster. Would only take a few minutes to test it if you aren't sure.
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