does output_iterator_tag imply non-terminating sequence?

In other words, can I assume that an output iterator ( can safely be written to without fear of bounds overruns?

(The iterator exists, AFAIK, to accommodate sink devices like ports and files and tapes.)

If that is so, then I can specialize an algorithm that writes a variable amount of data (all or nothing) to report error correctly for all iterator types except for output iterators, where no error can be assumed?

Is this correct?
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Are you talking about the kinds of iterators returned from std::front_inserter, std::back_inserter, and std::inserter? I belive output iterators such as these can be considered as allowing you to write infinite data.
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Yes. Thanks.

(Just wanted to make sure I wasn't making stuff up.)
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> can I assume that an output iterator can safely be written to without fear of bounds overruns?

Yes, written to just one time.
Essentially, single pass, strictly alternating between dereference+assignment and increment:
deref-assign increment deref-assign increment deref-assign increment ...
Yes, exactly. My issue is the ability to identify whether the output sequence has sufficient length to receive the data to write, as half-written data is an error.
> My issue is the ability to identify whether the output sequence has sufficient length
> to receive the data to write, as half-written data is an error.

AFAIK, there is no good way to verify this, using a pure output only iterator alone, if all edge cases have to be covered. (An output iterator is a single pass iterator.)

For instance, writing through a std::back_insert_iterator<> may result in std::bad_alloc() being thrown, writing through a std::ostream_iterator<> may fail because the disk is full.
Right. So the specialization will verify when possible, otherwise it will write+advance until either the entire (1-6 character) sequence is written or something goes wrong -- where such error must be handled by the calling code (due to the calling code's choice of iterator).

This fixes everything to a simple specialized functor (about 10 lines of code) that will tell me whether or not it is okay to (try to) write N items to the output sequence or not.

But I'm starting to consider making a simple iterator wrapper to handle it better -- which will also help solve the begin/end issue with back inserters and the like. (Currently I have simply overloaded the equality+inequality operators to always return false/true -- a solution I'm not too keen on.)
In the fail-safe code, accept a destination range identified by a pair of mutable iterators? Something like:
template < typename INPUT_ITERATOR, typename MUTABLE_ITERATOR >
MUTABLE_ITERATOR copy_all_or_nothing( INPUT_ITERATOR srce_begin, INPUT_ITERATOR srce_end,
                                      MUTABLE_ITERATOR dest_begin, MUTABLE_ITERATOR dest_end )
    if( std::distance( srce_begin, srce_end ) > std::distance( dest_begin, dest_end ) ) return dest_begin ;
    else return std::copy( srce_begin, srce_end, dest_begin ) ;

    template <typename Iterator, typename Category>
    struct distance_ok
      bool ok;
      distance_ok( Iterator first, Iterator last, std::ptrdiff_t n ): ok( n <= std::distance( first, last ) ) { }
      operator bool () const { return ok; }
    template <typename Iterator>
    struct distance_ok <Iterator, std::output_iterator_tag> 
      bool ok;
      distance_ok( Iterator first, Iterator last, std::ptrdiff_t n ): ok( true ) { }
      operator bool () const { return ok; }

I may yet revise this design and move the subtraction to the creation of the writer object and only keep a ptrdiff_t count of remaining writes, which would turn into a simple comparison instead of a call to std::distance(). There is an additional addition required for every increment now as well, so the complexity constant remains the same, but it might result in a simpler design and more flexibility for the user.
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