Programming Work for C++ Class

Hello everyone, I am currently working on an assignment for my C++ course, and cannot seem to get my code to run properly. I am sure the mistake is a simple one, but I just don't see it. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Function prototypes
//missing function
//creat getStockInfo prototype
int ordered;
int inStock;
double specialShipping;
void getStockInfo(int ordered, int inStock, double specialShipping);
void displayStatus(int ordered, int inStock, double specialShipping=10.00);

int main()
int ordered; // To hold the spools ordered
int inStock; // To hold the spools in stock
double specialShipping; // To hold any special shipping charges

// Get the order and stock information.
getStockInfo(ordered, inStock, specialShipping);

//get stock information function
// ****missing code
// Determine whether there are special charges
// and display the order status.
if (specialShipping > 0)

displayStatus(ordered, inStock, specialShipping);
displayStatus(ordered, inStock);
return 0;
// The getStockInfo function asks the user for the number *
// of spools ordered, the number of spools in stock, and *
// any special shipping charges. The values are validated *
// and stored in reference parameters. *
void getStockInfo()
int ordered;
int inStock;
double specialShipping=10.00;
char choice; // To hold 'y' or 'n'
// Get the number of spools ordered.
cout << "How many spools were ordered? ";
cin >> ordered;

// Validate the number of spools ordered.
while (ordered < 1)
cout << "The number of spools ordered "
<< "must be one or more.\n"
<< "How many spools were ordered? ";
cin >> ordered;
// Get the number of spools in stock.
cout << "How many spools are in stock? ";
cin >> inStock;

// Validate the number of spools in stock.
while (inStock < 0)
cout << "The number of spools in stock "
<< "must be zero or more.\n"
<< "How many spools are in stock? ";
cin >> inStock;
// Get the special shipping charges, if any.
cout << "Are special shipping charges required? (y or n): ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y')
cout << "Enter the amount of any special "
<< "shipping charges: ";
cin >> specialShipping;

// Validate the special shipping charges.
while (specialShipping < 0)
cout << "Special shipping charges "
<< "must be zero or more. "
<< "Enter the amount of any special "
<< "shipping charges: ";
cin >> specialShipping;
specialShipping = 0;
// The displayStatus function accepts as arguments the *
// number of spools ordered, the number in stock, and the *
// shipping charges per spool. *
void displayStatus(int &, int &, double &)
int ordered;
int inStock;
double specialShipping = 10.00;
const double UNIT_SPOOL_COST = 100.00;
int available = ordered; // Number of spools available to ship
int backOrder = 0; // Number of spools back ordered

double spoolCost; // Charges for spools shipping now
double shipCharges; // Shipping charges for this shipment
double totalCharges; // Cost of shipped spools + shipping chgs

// Determine whether any spools are back ordered.
if (ordered > inStock)
available = inStock;
backOrder = ordered - inStock;

// Calculate the charges.
spoolCost = available * UNIT_SPOOL_COST;
shipCharges = available * specialShipping;
totalCharges = spoolCost + shipCharges;
// Display the order summary.
cout << "\nOrder Summary\n"
<< "==================\n"
<< "\nItems ordered: " << ordered
<< "\nReady to ship: " << available;

if (available < ordered)
cout << "\nOn backorder: " << backOrder;

cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2)
<< endl
<< "\nSubtotal: $" << setw(8) << spoolCost
<< "\nShipping: $" << setw(8) << shipCharges
<< "\nTotal Due: $" << setw(8) << totalCharges
<< endl;

I get the following errors when I compile:
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\cc0NF5DK.o OrderMain-13 Part 2.cpp:(.text+0x4d): undefined reference to `getStockInfo(int, int, double)'
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\cc0NF5DK.o OrderMain-13 Part 2.cpp:(.text+0x76): undefined reference to `displayStatus(int, int, double)'
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\cc0NF5DK.o OrderMain-13 Part 2.cpp:(.text+0x98): undefined reference to `displayStatus(int, int, double)'
C:\Users\Desktop\collect2.exe [Error] ld returned 1 exit status
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