syntax in uml class diagram

i having problem to read attractions:Attraction[*] and Malls:string[*}
what is this mean?
It isn't clear what you mean. Can you please explain further.
do u familiar with UML class diagram?
this 2 are the private data from the class, what is that mean?
You know that a class can have private members, and public members, right?
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In UML, this is an association.
i mean the data type how to implement is it array or pointers?
I am not clear on the details of the relationship is. If the relationship is association, you can implement that with a member, or a pointer. If it's a 0+ multiplicity, you'll end up using a collection of pointers.

I use the term pointer, but never use them directly, wrap them in unique_ptr or smart_ptr (or equivalents).

Also, never use arrays directly. Always use a container instead.
any others people woh know this can comment?
Can you be more specific about what you want to know? What is it that hasn't already been answered in this thread?
my problem i already indicated on top
Its not clear enough, mike, be specific, and also learn how to ask questions here.
@RPA. Let's move on with our lifes, it's well known that @mike is trolling.
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True that.
I am not trolling, i am asking serious question
Prove your worth by properly explaining to us.
So - the post accusing @mike9407 of being a troll is left here, but my post in which I try and explain to Mike why his posts are leading people to think he's a troll, in the hope that he can improve his posting style, is deleted?

That seems a rather... eccentric admin decision.
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