D&D Style Game

Pages: 12
Well, there's something wrong with your constructor that should be obvious when you look at it.

Also, you do know that you haven't followed the instructions for the signatures of the get*() methods, right?

I'd recommend defining constant symbols for those array indices for m_iCharTraits, rather than using magic numbers. It would make it easier to avoid mistakes.

Have you tested it? Are you happy that it's working as it's supposed to?

	Character(char name[], int cl, int al, int hp, int str, int dex, int con, int itl, int wis, int chr)
		for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
			m_sName[i] = name[i];
		m_iClass = cl;
		m_iAlignment = al;
		m_iHitPoints = hp;
		m_iCharTraits[0] = str;
		m_iCharTraits[1] = dex;
		m_iCharTraits[0] = con;
		m_iCharTraits[0] = itl;
		m_iCharTraits[0] = wis;
		m_iCharTraits[0] = chr;

You are overwriting iCharTraits[0] multiple times.

Missing the default constructor.

It didn't say you couldn't have a member initializer list, might pay to ask about that though.

I would also ask about the get functions should be marked const.

Maybe you guys haven't been taught about those last two things yet? void getHitPoints(int& hp), void setHitPoints(int hp) - Get and set the player hit points. The get function shall be a reference function.

Your function doesn't have the reference parameter. Six pairs of functions to get and set the various character traits stored in the m_iCharTraits array. All of the get functions shall be pointer functions. The functions are:
void getStrength(int *str), void setStrength(int str) - Get and set the player Strength score (m_iCharTraits[0]).
void getDexterity(int *dex), void setDexterity(int dex) - Get and set the player Dexterity score (m_iCharTraits[1]).
void getConstitution(int *cn), void setConstitution(int cn) - Get and set the player Constitution score (m_iCharTraits[2]).
void getIntelligence(int *itl), void setIntelligence(int itl) - Get and set the player Intelligence score (m_iCharTraits[3]).
void getWisdom(int *wis), void setWisdom(int wis) - Get and set the player Wisdom score (m_iCharTraits[4]).
void getCharisma(int *chr), void setCharisma(int chr) - Get and set the player Charisma score (m_iCharTraits[5]).

Your functions should be void not int, otherwise there is no point in sending a pointer.
Edit: so you need to dereference the pointer and set it's value.
Good Luck!!
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My apologies. I finished the assignment, but I do not want to post the finished product here. If you would like to see what I came up with, let me know and I'll send it in a message.
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Pages: 12