Read Ints from file to members of Struct

I am trying to read from a .txt file that is formated like:

1000, 10, 70

I am trying to read this data into members of this struct:

struct processData
int arrivalTime;
int durationTime;
int completionTime;
int turnAroundTime;
int waitTime;
int processNumber;
float netTurnAroundTime;
} temp;

with this:

processData* aa = new processData[n];
i = 0;
string line;
ifstream job ("job.txt");
if (job.is_open())
while (!job.eof())
job >> aa[i].processNumber;
job >> aa[i].arrivalTime;
job >> aa[i].durationTime;

I keep getting a segmentation error and I cannot figure out why this is not working.

Thanks in advance for any advice or help.
If I had to guess, n isn't big enough.
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