Where to start when learning to code?

So I have been programming in C++ for little under a year since I started having a course at university. The course focus is, if you ask me, more about the implementation of algorithms in C++ rather than a course in C++. I'm interested to further my learning in C++ and Java. Does somebody have any recommendations with regards to books, tutorials, courses, where to get exercises to make etc. and any general tips when learning any programming language?
Normally, when someone ask me about a good place to start learning C++, I tend to refer them to the tutorials on this site as they are very well written in my opinion. However, you can choose to watch YouTube tutorials (I imagine there must be thousands of C++ programming videos and C++ programming channels nowadays), my two personal favourite YouTube programming channels are TheNewBoston and What's a Creel?. Additionally, there's a brilliant book called Beginning C++ Through Game Programming by Michael Dawson which I highly encourage you to buy it even if you're not a game programmer. The book is still very helpful and instructive for anyone looking to learn C++ and programming in general.

A tip, do not focus on more than one programming language at a time. Pick a language and stick to it. If you learn C++, you will find that other programming languages are extremely easy to pick up.
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