CCC J5 Help

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could take a look at my code for the Canadian Computer Contest! Im a starting programmer and its my first time taking on a challenge this big and so far im quite lost after 2 weeks of repeated attempts... If anyone could help me finish this it would really do me a solid. Im stuck with my code so if anyone could show me theirs that would be greatly appreciated! Heres the question ....

Problem Description
You want to determine the chances that your favourite team will be the champion of a small tournament.
There are exactly four teams. At the end of the tournament, a total of six games will have been
played with each team playing every other team exactly once. For each game, either one team wins
(and the other loses), or the game ends in a tie. If the game does not end in a tie, the winning team
is awarded three points and the losing team is awarded zero points. If the game ends in a tie, each
team is awarded one point.
Your favourite team will only be the champion if it ends the tournament with strictly more total
points than every other team (i.e., a tie for first place is not good enough for your favourite team).
The tournament is not over yet but you know the scores of every game that has already been played.
You want to consider all possible ways points could be awarded in the remaining games that have
not yet been played and determine in how many of these cases your favourite team will be the
tournament champion.

Input Specification
The first line of input will contain an integer T which is your favourite team (1 < T < 4).
The second line will contain an integer G, the number of games already played (0 < G < 5).
The next G lines will give the results of games that have already been played. Each of these lines
will consist of four integers A, B, SA, SB separated by single spaces where 1 < A < B < 4,
and SA; SB > 0 . This corresponds to a game between team A (which had score SA) and team
B (which had score SB) where team A won if SA > SB, team B won if SA < SB and the game
ended in a tie if SA = SB. The pairs A and B on the input lines are distinct, since no pair of teams
plays twice.

My current code that doesn't work...
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int t;
int g;
int score[4];

int main ()
string letter;
int A, Sa;
int B, Sb;
int c, x[4];
string original[6] = "------";

cin >> t;
cin >> g;
for (c = 0; c < g; c++)
cin >> A >> B >> Sa >> Sb;
A = int(x[0]) - 1;
B = int(x[0]) - 1;
Sa = x[2];
Sb = x[3];
if (Sa > Sb)
letter = "W";
else if (Sa < Sb)
letter = "L";
if ((A == 0)&&(B == 1))
original[0] = letter + original[1];
else if (A == 0 && B == 2)
original[0] = original[0] + letter + original[2];
else if (A == 0 && B == 3)
original[0] = original[2] + letter + original[3];
else if (A == 1 && B == 2)
original[0] = original[3] + letter + original[4];
else if (A == 1 && B == 3)
original[0] = original[4] + letter + original[5];
else if (A == 2 && B == 3)
original[0] = original[5] + letter;
return 0;

Thank you guys for helping!!
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Uhh.. Is there a problem @kemort? I'm doing the CCC challenge and I've gotten quite stuck on a J3 and J5.. I would like help is there anything against the rules that states this? I would greatly appreciate the help because I really need it since I'm new to coding. :) Thanks if could kindly help me.
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