What to do now?(want to start making games)


I have just completed the tutorial at learncpp.com, it includes:
Chapter 0 Introduction / Getting Started
Chapter 1 C++ Basics
Chapter 2 Variables Part I
Chapter 3 Operators
Chapter 4 Variables Part II
Chapter 5 Control Flow
Chapter 6 Arrays, Strings, Pointers, and References
Chapter 7 Functions
Chapter 8 Basic object-oriented programming
Chapter 9 Operator overloading
Chapter 10 Composition
Chapter 11 Inheritance
Chapter 12 Virtual Functions
Chapter 13 Input and output (I/O)
Chapter 14 Templates

What more do I need to know befour starting whit makeing games?
I downloaded the dark GDK, but the first tutorial is how to print a pic to the screen and the next is how to make a complete 2d game, it's just not possible to learn it. Should I try something different? What is the easyest way to start makeing games?

Sorry for my bad english

You might want to look through these sites:
http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html (search for the word "game")

Make sure you read up on event loops and scheduling strategies and efficient data storage.

There really isn't anything now except to put your imagination to work.

Good luck.
www.gamedev.net is a good site.
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