Can't get my function to run

//Ask the user to enter a number.
//Then tell the user whether the number is positive or negative and whether the number is even or odd.
//Note that 0 is considered to be even and positive.
//Your program should use two functions beside main and should include input validation.
//After your program has processed a single number, it should ask the user if he wants to try another number.
//If the user answers yes (y), your program should repeat. If the user answers no (n) your program should end.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void GetNum (int& num1);
string Sign (int);

int main()
int num1; // Hold for number entered by user
char loopContinue; // Hold Y/N response to continue loop
string even, odd, neg, pos;

do { //Loop until user exits
string Sign();
do {
// Ask user if they want to continue
cout << "Do you want to continue? (Y/N) ";
cin >> loopContinue;
cin.ignore(100, '\n');
loopContinue = toupper(loopContinue);

} while(!((loopContinue == 'Y') || (loopContinue == 'N')));

} while (loopContinue == 'Y');

cout << "OK. Goodbye!";

return 0;

void GetNum(int& num1)
bool validNumber = true;

cout << "Enter an integer: "; //Prompt user for value
cin >> num1;

if (!cin){
cin.ignore(100, '\n');
validNumber = false;
cout << "Invalid." << endl;
validNumber = true;

} while (!validNumber);


string Sign(int num1)
string even = " is even", odd = " is odd", neg = " is negative", pos = " is positive";
if (num1 < 0)
cout << num1 << neg << endl;
cout << num1 << pos << endl;
if (num1 % 2 == 0)
cout << num1 << even << endl;
cout << num1 << odd << endl;
Can you be a little more detailed? Does it compile? Does it ask the user to enter an integer? Where does it not work as expected?
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
It compiles and asks the user for the integer. It works up to the Sign function. It shows that there is no errors. Its like it doesn't acknowledge the Sign function.
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