How to pass 2 sets of variadic templates?


I have a template struct that I need to pass two compile time lists of types. How can this be done?
I have variadic templates but how can we separate the 2 lists?

Any tips greatly appreciated

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I doesn't understand your task/question. Would you please offer some more infos, f.e. some code fragments?

Well I need to pass a type that is to be transformed by type functions like std::remove_pointer, std::remove_cast, etc. So this in itself is passed as a variadic template list. However to finish the work, I also need to pass other restoring type functions like std::add_const, std::add_pointer, etc which is a variable number of types also. So this needs another variadic list.

I need a struct that receives these 2 type lists and do some processing with them.

Right now I have to call the following struct twice and it is not well encapsulated:

template<typename C, template <typename> class ...Removers>
struct CombineTypeFuncs

Hope the helps!
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