Cannot compile example code

Hi, this is an example code from Stroustrup. G++ compiler made me add 7 declarations. Even with these additions compiler does not finish. Now compiler says to me : collect2 ; error : ld returned 1 exit status.
I understand nothung from the above. I hope somebody will help me. Many thanks.
Here is the code :
using namespace std;
class String {
struct Srep; // representation
Srep *rep;
class Cref; // reference to char
class Range { }; // for exceptions
String(); // x = ""
String(const char*); // x = "abc"
String(const String&); // x = other_string
String& operator=(const char *);
String& operator=(const String&);
void check(int i) const;
char read(int i) const;
void write(int i, char c);
Cref operator[](int i);
char operator[](int i) const;
int size() const;
String& operator+=(const String&);
String& operator+=(const char*);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const String&);
friend istream& operator>>(istream&, String&);
friend bool operator==(const String& x, const char* s);
friend bool operator==(const String& x, const String& y);
friend bool operator!=(const String& x, const char* s);
friend bool operator!=(const String& x, const String& y);
String operator+(const String&, const String&);
String operator+(const String&, const char*);
struct String::Srep {
char* s; // pointer to elements
int sz; // number of characters
int n; // reference count
string strcpy(string, string); // declaration I added
Srep(int nsz, const char* p)
n = 1;
sz = nsz;
s = new char[sz+1]; // add sace for terminator
~Srep() { delete[] s; }
Srep* get_own_copy() // clone if necessary
if (n==1) return this;
return new Srep(sz,s);
void assign(int nsz, const char* p)
if (sz != nsz) {
delete[] s;
sz = nsz;
s = new char[sz+1];
private: // prevent copying:
Srep(const Srep&);
Srep& operator=(const Srep&);
class String::Cref { // reference to s[i]
friend class String;
String& s;
int i;
Cref(String& ss, int ii) : s(ss), i(ii) { }
Cref(const Cref& r) : s(r.s), i(r.i) { }
Cref(); // not defined, never used
operator char() const { s.check(i); return; } // yield value
void operator=(char c) { s.write(i,c); } // change value
String::String() // the empty string is the default value
rep = new Srep(0,"");
String::String(const String& x) // copy constructor
rep = x.rep; // share representation
if (--rep->n == 0) delete rep;
String& String::operator=(const String& x) // copy assignment
x.rep->n++; // protects against ``st = st''
if (--rep->n == 0) delete rep;
rep = x.rep; // share representation
return *this;
String::String(const char* s)
int strlen(char const*); // declaration I added
rep = new Srep(strlen(s),s);
String& String::operator=(const char* s)
int strlen(char const*); // declaration I added
if (rep->n == 1) // recycle Srep
else { // use new Srep
rep = new Srep(strlen(s),s);
return *this;
void String::check(int i) const
if (i<0 || rep->sz<=i) throw Range();
char String::read(int i) const
return rep->s[i];
void String::write(int i, char c)
String::Cref String::operator[](int i)
return Cref(*this,i);
char String::operator[](int i) const
return rep->s[i];
int String::size() const
return rep->sz;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const String& s)
return os << s.rep->s;
istream& operator>>(istream& is, String& s)
// this implementation is "almost cheating" :-)
string ss;
is >> ss;
s = ss.c_str();
return is;
bool operator==(const String& x, const char* s)
bool strcmp(string f, string g); // declaration I added
return strcmp(x.rep->s, s) == 0;
bool operator==(const String& x, const String& y)
bool strcmp(string f, string g); // declaration i added
return strcmp(x.rep->s, y.rep->s) == 0;
bool operator!=(const String& x, const char* s)
bool strcmp(string, string); // declaration i added
return strcmp(x.rep->s, s) != 0;
bool operator!=(const String& x, const String& y)
bool strcmp(string, string); // declaration I added
return strcmp(x.rep->s, y.rep->s) != 0;
void ff(String s, const String& r)
char c1 = s[1]; // c1 = s.operator[](1).operator char()
s[1] = 'c'; // s.operator[](1).operator=('c')
char c2 = r[1]; // c2 = r.operator[](1)
// r[1] = 'd'; // error: assignment to non-lvalue char, r.operator[](1) = 'd'
int hash(const String& s)
int h =;
const int max = s.size();
for (int i = 1; i<max; i++) h ^=>>1; // unchecked access to s
return h;
String f(String a, String b)
a[2] = 'x';
char c = b[3];
cout << "in f: " << a << ' ' << b << ' ' << c << '\n';
return b;
int main()
// very simple minded first test
String x, y;
cout << "Please enter two strings\n";
cin >> x >> y;
cout << "input: " << x << ' ' << y << '\n';
String z = x;
y = f(x,y);
if (x != z) cout << "x corrupted!\n";
x[0] = '!';
if (x == z) cout << "write failed!\n";
cout << "exit: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << '\n';

Disch wrote:
Put your code in code tags
[code]paste your code here
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1. Remove the lines tagged with
    // declaration I added 
or simply go back to the original code.

2. Then, at the start, add the required header include statement,
#include <cstring> 

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To Chervil. Many thanks. I removed my 7 declarations and added <string> header. Compiler g++ asks me again to put declarations. I hope you'll help me again. Sylvain
I removed my 7 declarations and added <string> header.

Note the header which is needed for strcpy, strlen, strcmp is <cstring>, not <string>
Ouf! Compiler says OK. Thank you very much for your help.
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