I need some advice.

Hey guys, I'm a student majoring in Computer Science, and I have always had a problem understanding C++. Ever since I started my college courses I would be completely lost in the class. Some other students had taken C++ in their high schools, whereas my school didn't have a C++ class. So once I was in college, I was new to everything C++ related. I slacked off a lot too because of my lack of knowledge. I want to make things right again and fully understand C++. Therefore I would like some advice to know what you guys did or do, to be a better programmer. I want to pursue this as my career, but I don't know where to start... Thanks guys!
find a mentor
read books, forums and articles.

Practice, practice and practice.
Absolutely, get a good book and I suggest the tactic of read-to-understand, meaning that you analyse each page, what's being said that's important, what did you not understand that you will look up online, etc.

I also supplimented with youtube tutorials, but the point where I really started learning is when I started trying to help the beginner's forums here and when I couldn't help I would at least read the code and try to understand what they were trying to do with it. When you've gone through a 2 page block of code that's not propperly indented and found the 7-10 issues that's a time you feel a bit of accomplishment.

It is important to know that everyone here is learning in some way, so your suggestions might be wrong, and it's ok if somebody else corrects you because that's how learning by practice works.
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