best framework for unit Test + mocking in C++?

hi friends

I am beginner in Unit test and mocking, and need your's help.

What is best framework for unit Test + mocking in C++ ?
I believe the two most common are boost test and google test. I've only used boost test myself so I can't say which is better. I use boost test because i'm likely already using boost in my project anyways.
Where I work, we use Catch, which IMHO has a nice, intuitive syntax. Previously, I've used CPPUnit, and Google Test, which worked fine, too.

The only mocking experience I have is with Google Mock, which seems to work well, and is powerful.
thank you friend ....
You're welcome.

I should have included some links:

Also, for mocking, some people in my organisation have used FakeIt, and liked it:

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