Hashing program showing (lldb) in Xcode

Hi everyone, I'm working on c++ code for implementing the hashing but when I run the code it is showing me the (lldb) error in Xcode. Here's the code please help me

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class HashMapADT {
unsigned int hash(const string& key);
int getIndex(const string& key, bool override_duplicated_key);
const static unsigned int hash_size = 514;
string keys[hash_size];
string values[hash_size];
HashMapADT(); //default constructor
void insertData(const string& key, const string& value);
void printData();
* Initialize the param of key and value
HashMapADT::HashMapADT() {
for (int i = 0; i < hash_size; i++) {
keys[i] = string();
values[i] = string();

unsigned int HashMapADT::hash(const string& k)
unsigned int value = 0 ;
for (int i = 0; i < k.length(); i++)
value = 37*value + k[i];
return value;
* print hash table
void HashMapADT::printData() {
int checkEmpty = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < hash_size; i++){
if (!keys[i].empty()){
cout << keys[i] << ":" << values[i] << endl;
checkEmpty = 0;
if (checkEmpty)
cout << "Hash table is empty" << endl;
* Get index before inserting an element into hash table because of duplicate entry.
* If the key is same or already there in hash table then it will not insert it again
int HashMapADT::getIndex(const string& key, bool override_duplicate_key = true) {
unsigned int h = hash(key) % hash_size, offset = 0, index;

while (offset < hash_size) {
index = (h + offset) % hash_size;
if (keys[index].empty() || (override_duplicate_key && keys[index] == key))
return index;

return -1;
* Insert string of key and value to hash table
void HashMapADT::insertData(const string& key, const string& value) {
int index = getIndex(key);
if (index == -1) {
cout << "Table is full!" << endl;

keys[index] = key;
values[index] = value;

int main() {
HashMapADT hmap;
cout << "Before inserting an element. The hash table is:" << endl;
cout << "==========================================="<<endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "After insertion of an element. The hash table is:"<<endl;
cout << "=================================="<<endl;
string key, value;
string fname[30], lname[30], custid[30];
ifstream myfile("Customer.csv");
int fid = 0, lid = 0, cid = 0;
cout<<"Error opening output file"<<endl;
return 0;
int count = 0;
getline(myfile,fname[fid], ',');
fid++; lid++; cid++; count++;
int inc;
if (count>0){
for(inc=0; inc<count; inc++)
key = fname[inc]+"_"+lname[inc];
value = custid[inc];
hmap.insertData(key, value);

cout << endl;

return 0;
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