SafeArray Template

i having a trouble to run this program because it come up C4716 error msg
please help with this thank you so much


using namespace std;

const int dSize = 10;

template<class T>

class SA{


// pointer of type T

T* pT;

// low index

int lIdx;

// high index

int hIdx;




// initiaize array of size 10

pT = new T[dSize];

lIdx = 0;

hIdx = 9;


// parametarized constructor

SA(int n)


// initiaize array of size n

pT = new T[n];

lIdx = 0;

hIdx = n - 1;


// parametarized constructor

SA(int l, int h)


// initiaize array of size n

pT = new T[h - l + 1];

lIdx = l;

hIdx = h;


// copy constructor

SA(const SA& arr)


int i;

// initilize array of appropriate size

this->pT = new int[arr.hIdx - arr.lIdx + 1];

this->lIdx = arr.lIdx;

this->hIdx = arr.hIdx;

// assign the array values of arr to the current object array

for (i = arr.lIdx; i <= arr.hIdx; i++)

this->pT = arr.pT[i];


// overloading operator =

void operator=(const SA& rhs)


int i;

// initilize array of appropriate size

this->pT = new int[rhs.hIdx - rhs.lIdx + 1];

this->lIdx = rhs.lIdx;

this->hIdx = rhs.hIdx;

// assign the array values of rhs to the current object array

for (i = rhs.lIdx; i <= rhs.hIdx; i++)

this->pT = rhs.pT[i];




delete pT;


// overload [] operator

T& operator[](int offset)


// if index is valid

if (offset >= lIdx && offset <= hIdx)

return this->pT[offset];



cout << "Please enter valid index\n";

return this->pT[0];



// method to get size of array pT

int getSize()


// return the size of array

return hIdx - lIdx + 1;


friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &output, const SA &ob)


int i;

for (i = 0; i<10; i++)

output << ob.pT[i] << " ";

output << endl;



int main()


int i;

// object with values of type double

SA<int> intArr(5);

for (i = 0; i<5; i++)

// initialize array of intArr object

intArr[i] = i;

cout << "Array contents are ...\n";

// print content of intArr

cout << intArr;

// print size of array

cout << "\nSize = " << intArr.getSize() << endl << endl;

// object with values of type double

SA<double> dArr(10);

for (i = 0; i<10; i++)

// initialize array of dArr object

dArr[i] = i * 1.1;

cout << "Array contents are ...\n";

// print content of dArr

cout << dArr;

// print size of array

cout << "\nSize = " << dArr.getSize();

return 0;

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &output, const SA &ob)
You need to return output.

delete pT;
should be delete [] pT;
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