"Segmentation errors in linux " / 5 errors in Visual Studio 2015= Program : class matrix input , output and addition

Hi , the program errors is coming in Visual Studio 2015 in Windows 10 . I tried linux where it says "Segmentation fault" . The list of errors is mentioned first . Then the Header.h , Then Header.cpp and finally Source.cpp .


Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2005 "class std::vector<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> >,class std::allocator<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> > > > __cdecl definematrix(int,int)" (?definematrix@@YA?AV?$vector@V?$vector@HV?$allocator@H@std@@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$vector@HV?$allocator@H@std@@@std@@@2@@std@@HH@Z) already defined in Header.obj Project10 C:\Users\chica\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Project10\Project10\Source.obj 1
Error LNK2005 "class std::vector<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> >,class std::allocator<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> > > > __cdecl defmatrix(class std::vector<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> >,class std::allocator<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> > > >,class std::vector<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> >,class std::allocator<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> > > >)" (?defmatrix@@YA?AV?$vector@V?$vector@HV?$allocator@H@std@@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$vector@HV?$allocator@H@std@@@std@@@2@@std@@V12@0@Z) already defined in Header.obj Project10 C:\Users\chica\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Project10\Project10\Source.obj 1
Error LNK2005 "public: class std::vector<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> >,class std::allocator<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> > > > __thiscall matrix::matrixA(class std::vector<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> >,class std::allocator<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> > > > &,class std::vector<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> >,class std::allocator<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> > > > &)" (?matrixA@matrix@@QAE?AV?$vector@V?$vector@HV?$allocator@H@std@@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$vector@HV?$allocator@H@std@@@std@@@2@@std@@AAV23@0@Z) already defined in Header.obj Project10 C:\Users\chica\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Project10\Project10\Source.obj 1
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "public: class std::vector<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> >,class std::allocator<class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> > > > __thiscall matrix::definematrix(int,int)" (?definematrix@matrix@@QAE?AV?$vector@V?$vector@HV?$allocator@H@std@@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$vector@HV?$allocator@H@std@@@std@@@2@@std@@HH@Z) referenced in function _main Project10 C:\Users\chica\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Project10\Project10\Source.obj 1
Error LNK1120 1 unresolved externals Project10 C:\Users\chica\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Project10\Debug\Project10.exe 1

[Header. H]

#pragma once
using namespace std;
class matrix {


int definematrixrow;
int definematrixcolumn;

vector<vector<int>> matrix_shishir(int definematrixrow, int definematrixcolumn);
vector<vector<int>> matrix_shi(int definematrixrow, int definematrixcolumn);
vector<vector<int>> matrix_x(vector<vector<int>> matrix3);
vector<vector<int>> matrix_y(vector<vector<int>> &matrix4);

vector<vector<int>> defmatrix(vector<vector<int>> matrix1, vector<vector<int>>matrix2);

vector<vector<int>> definematrix(int definematrixrow, int definematrixcolumn);

vector<vector<int>> definematrixM(vector<vector<int>>&matrix1, vector<vector<int>>&matrix2);

vector<vector<int>> matrixS(vector<vector<int>>&matrix1, vector<vector<int>>&matrix2);

vector<vector<int>> matrixA(vector<vector<int>>&matrix1, vector<vector<int>>&matrix2);

vector<vector<int>> matrixT(vector<vector<int>> &matrix5);
void delmat(vector<vector<int>>* matrix_shishir)
delete[] matrix_shishir;
matrix_shishir = NULL;

void setRow(int rows)

matrixrow = rows;

void matrix::setColumn(int x)
matrixcolumn = x;

int getColumn(vector<vector<int>> matrix1)
int a;

a = matrix1[0].size();
return a;

int getRow(vector<vector<int>> matrix1)


int b = matrix1.size();
return b;

void setdefinematrix(vector<vector<int>> matrix4)
int a = matrix4[0].size();
int b = matrix4.size();

for (int i = 0;i < b;i++)


int matrixrow;
int matrixcolumn;
vector<vector<int>> matrix_var;


#pragma once

/* fixing up size of matrix */

vector<vector<int>> defmatrix(vector<vector<int>> matrix1, vector<vector<int>> matrix2)
return vector<vector<int>>();

vector<vector<int>> definematrix(int definematrixrow, int definematrixcolumn)
int matrixcolumn = definematrixcolumn;
int matrixrow = definematrixrow;
vector<std::vector<int>> matrix_shi(definematrixrow, std::vector<int>(definematrixcolumn));
for (int i = 0;i < definematrixcolumn;i++)
return matrix_shi;
//matrix addition
vector<vector<int>> matrix::matrixA(vector<vector<int>>&matrix1, vector<vector<int>>&matrix2)
int a = matrix1[0].size();
int b = matrix2[0].size();

if (a > b || a == b)
matrixA(matrix1, matrix2).resize(a);
matrixA(matrix1, matrix2).resize(b);

int c = matrix1.size();
int d = matrix2.size();
if (c > d || c == d)
matrixA(matrix1, matrix2).resize(c);
matrixA(matrix1, matrix2).resize(d);

for (int i = 0;i< matrixA(matrix1, matrix2).size();i++)
for (int j = 0;j < matrixA(matrix1, matrix2)[0].size();j++)
matrix5[i][j] = matrix1[i][j] + matrix2[i][j];
matrixA(matrix1, matrix2) = matrix5;
return matrixA(matrix1, matrix2);


#include "Header.h"


int main()

matrix my_matrix;
int m, n;
cout << "enter the matrix row number";
cin >> m;
vector<vector<int>> matrix_shi;
vector<vector<int>> matrix_shishir;

cout << "enter the matrix column number";
cin >> n;

my_matrix.definematrix(m, n);

cout << "enter the matrix values";
for (int i = 0; i < m;i++)
for (int j = 0;j < n;j++)
vector<vector<int>> matrix_shi(i, std::vector<int>(j));
cin >> matrix_shi[i][j];



for (int i = 0; i < m;i++)
for (int j = 0;j < n;j++)
vector<vector<int>> matrix_shi(i, std::vector<int>(j));
cout << matrix_shi[i][j];



for (int p = 0; p < m;p++)
for (int q = 0;q < n;q++)

cin >> matrix_shishir[p][q];


for (int i = 0; i < m;i++)
for (int j = 0;j < n;j++)

cin >> matrix_shi[i][j];



my_matrix.matrixA(matrix_shishir, matrix_shi);

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Windows build error.

Put simply, do not #include cpp files. Certainly do not stick #pragma once in a cpp file ; that just suggests you don't understand what a cpp file is for and you're just writing code at random hoping to make things work.
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The two loops under cout << "enter the matrix values"; don't do anything (other than ask the user for numbers that are thrown away).

You should fix the logic before looking for the crash.
@Repeater . Thanks for your reply . I am a beginner . Would it be ok if i asked what #pragma once does ? can you please clarify about what you stated about cpp file . I would be most grateful
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