Malom or Morris Board Game (Please assist)

I need assistant with an assignment and is currently stuck. Here are the instructions:
The game is played on a board with 24 points where stones may be placed. Initially, the board is empty and each of the two players hold nine stones. The player with the white stones starts. During the opening, players alternately place their stones on any vacant point. After all stones have been placed, a player may slide a stone to an adjacent vacant point. If at any time during the game a player succeeds in arranging three stones in a row (closing a row) they remove any opponent's stone that is not part of a row that is currently scoring a point. As soon as a player has only three stones left, they may jump one of their stones to any vacant point on the board. The game ends when a player has less than three stones or a player cannot make a legal move.

The program must use a two dimensional array that is displayed at the beginning empty, and after each player’s turn.
The program should use your choice of loop type.
The program should use your choice of branching statements.
After each turn, the program should evaluate if there is a winner, who the winner is, and notify the players.
I have already done some of the coding but do not know how to post that.Please assist, assistance is greatly appreciated

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