Design Pattern demo's applying them with game logic in console mock engine


I have found many design pattern examples, have a rather large collection of them, including Game Patterns. Which seems to be the only one really going over design patterns in games. I have a few books make simple engine involving design patterns (a few sfml specific ones), but it's rather all over the place.

I was wondering if anyone could help me come up with some simply challenges to applying them to a console using game logic. Preferably if I could somehow make them in an order where I could possibly link them up as a big giant mock engine using simple, cout statement to show the process.

I would like to implement as many of the GOF patterns as possible (I have resources for more modern implementations). Can anyone assist me? I don't need actual code, more of something like
Abstract Factory Method: Making Factories for old, modern, futuristic type guns a player can find. Displaying random results of 3 weapons per options, displaying them with cout.

Something to that nature, or something. And preferably in a way I could possibly use them all as stated before simulating them all in a mock engine using the console.

Design Patterns:

Abstract Factory:
Chain of Responsibility
Component: Think you can really use this for most things
Command: Think this is usually input
Iterator: From what I have gone over, this is pretty self-explanatory
Proxy: Not sure this one can really be done
singleton: This one just makes sense doing all core parts of the mock engine
Template Method:

Any other ideas would be welcomed. Or at least in your opinion the best way to do these in order to link up towards the end.

Thanks everyone, have a great weekend.
It doesn't make sense to use design pattern for the design pattern sake. It is more an approach for solving problems. In other words: You need a problem for this approach not the other way round.

So study them is good and as soon as you have a matching problem you might use them. In order to realize that you can use design pattern you need to divide bigger problems in smaller rather formal problems.
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