(dis)advantages of include "" ?

i've always been including my own h files like so include <>

As that allow me to move them anywhere i want, as long as i just remember to add it to the include path

but i after looking at the source code of some libraries (sfml, box2d, ect) i noticed that they all include using include ""?
(and in general i see alot of people doing it this way)

so im just wondering if there's some sort of advantages to the include ""
that i dont know about?
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The only difference is where the compiler looks for files first.

#include <quux>

 • looks for quux only in the standard system paths1

#include "quux"

 • looks for stuff in the current directory first, then the standard system paths1

1 “Standard system paths” means what your compiler wants it to mean. It all depends on how it is installed and configured. Most compilers allow you to add paths as well, via environment variable and/or command-line options.
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