Identifier srand48() and drand48() are undefined?

Hello professionals,

I was trying to run this code recently but it was not working properly. I was using Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2017 but the errors say:

identifier is "srand48()" undefined.
identifier is "drand48()" undefined.
srand48: identifier not found.
drand48: identifier not found.

What should I do? What fix should I implement in order for it to run?

Here's my complete code. Thank you in advance.

// This program demonstrates linear, bilinear and trilinear interpolation
// Download the interpolation.cpp file to a folder.
// Open a shell/terminal, and run the following command where the files is saved:
// clang++ -std=c++11 -o interpolation interpolation.cpp -O3
// You can use c++ if you don't use clang++
// Run with: ./interpolation. Open the resulting image (ppm) in Photoshop or any program
// reading PPM files.
// Copyright (C) 2016
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.

#ifdef WIN32
#include "stdafx.h"

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>

template<typename T>
class Color3
Color3() : r(0), g(0), b(0) {}
Color3(T rr) : r(rr), g(rr), b(rr) {}
Color3(T rr, T gg, T bb) : r(rr), g(gg), b(bb) {}
Color3 operator * (const T &v) const
return Color3(r*v, g*v, b*v);
Color3 operator + (const Color3 &c) const
return Color3(r + c.r, g + c.g, b + c.b);
friend Color3 operator * (const float &f, const Color3 &c)
return Color3(c.r * f, c.g * f, c.b * f);
friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream &os, const Color3 &c)
os << c.r << " " << c.g << " " << c.b;
return os;
float r, g, b;

typedef Color3<float> Color3f;

void saveToPPM(const char *fn, const Color3f *c, const int &width, const int &height)
std::ofstream ofs;
// flags are necessary if your compile on Windows, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
if ( {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: can't save image to file %s\n", fn);
else {
ofs << "P6\n" << width << " " << height << "\n255\n";
const Color3f *pc = c;
for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
char r = static_cast<char>(std::min(255.f, 255 * pc->r + 0.5f));
char g = static_cast<char>(std::min(255.f, 255 * pc->g + 0.5f));
char b = static_cast<char>(std::min(255.f, 255 * pc->b + 0.5f));
ofs << r << g << b;

// [comment]
// Linear interpolation
// [/comment]
template<typename T>
T bilinear(
const float &tx,
const float &ty,
const T &c00,
const T &c10,
const T &c01,
const T &c11)
#if 1
T a = c00 * (1.f - tx) + c10 * tx;
T b = c01 * (1.f - tx) + c11 * tx;
return a * (1.f - ty) + b * ty;
return (1 - tx) * (1 - ty) * c00 +
tx * (1 - ty) * c10 +
(1.f - tx) * ty * c01 +
tx * ty * c11;

#ifdef WIN32
#define RANDFLOAT float(rand()) / RAND_MAX
#define RANDFLOAT drand48()

// [comment]
// Bilinear interpolation example. We place a color in the midle of the cells of a regular 2D grid.
// To evaluate the result of a random point (pixel) within the grid, we pick the 4 point's neighbor cells and
// bilinearly interpolate the results.
// [/comment]
void testBilinearInterpolation()
// testing bilinear interpolation
int imageWidth = 512;
int gridSizeX = 9, gridSizeY = 9;
Color3f *grid2d = new Color3f[(gridSizeX + 1) * (gridSizeY + 1)]; // lattices
// fill grid with random colors
Color3f c[4] = { Color3f(1,0,0), Color3f(0,1,0), Color3f(0,0,1), Color3f(1,1,0) };
for (int j = 0, k = 0; j <= gridSizeY; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i <= gridSizeX; ++i, ++k) {
grid2d[j * (gridSizeX + 1) + i] = Color3f(RANDFLOAT, RANDFLOAT, RANDFLOAT);
printf("%d %d %f\n", i, j, grid2d[j * (gridSizeX + 1) + i].r);
// now compute our final image using bilinear interpolation
Color3f *imageData = new Color3f[imageWidth*imageWidth], *pixel = imageData;
for (int j = 0; j < imageWidth; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < imageWidth; ++i) {
// convert i,j to grid coordinates
float gx = i / float(imageWidth) * gridSizeX; // be careful to interpolate boundaries
float gy = j / float(imageWidth) * gridSizeY; // be careful to interpolate boundaries
int gxi = int(gx);
int gyi = int(gy);
const Color3f & c00 = grid2d[gyi * (gridSizeX + 1) + gxi];
const Color3f & c10 = grid2d[gyi * (gridSizeX + 1) + (gxi + 1)];
const Color3f & c01 = grid2d[(gyi + 1) * (gridSizeX + 1) + gxi];
const Color3f & c11 = grid2d[(gyi + 1) * (gridSizeX + 1) + (gxi + 1)];
*(pixel++) = bilinear<Color3f>(gx - gxi, gy - gyi, c00, c10, c01, c11);
saveToPPM("./bilinear.ppm", imageData, imageWidth, imageWidth);
// uncomnent this code if you want to see what the input colors look like
pixel = imageData;
int cellsize = imageWidth / (gridSizeX);
fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", cellsize);
for (int j = 0; j < imageWidth; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < imageWidth; ++i) {
float gx = (i + cellsize / 2) / float(imageWidth);
float gy = (j + cellsize / 2) / float(imageWidth);
int gxi = static_cast<int>(gx * gridSizeX);
int gyi = static_cast<int>(gy * gridSizeY);
*pixel = grid2d[gyi * (gridSizeX + 1) + gxi];
int mx = (i + cellsize / 2) % cellsize;
int my = (j + cellsize / 2) % cellsize;
int ma = cellsize / 2 + 2, mb = cellsize / 2 - 2;
if (mx < ma && mx > mb && my < ma && my > mb)
*pixel = Color3f(0, 0, 0);
saveToPPM("./inputbilinear1.ppm", imageData, imageWidth, imageWidth);
delete[] imageData;

#define IX(size, i, j, k) ( i * j * k * size + i * j * size + i )

// [comment]
// Trilinear interpolation example. We place a color in the midle of the cells of a regular 3D grid.
// To evaluate the result of a random point within the grid, we pick the 8 point's neighbor cells and
// trilinearly interpolate the results.
// [/comment]
void testTrilinearInterpolation()
int gridSize = 10;
int numVertices = gridSize + 1;
Color3f *grid3d = new Color3f[numVertices * numVertices * numVertices];
for (int k = 0; k < numVertices + 1; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < numVertices + 1; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < numVertices + 1; ++i) {
grid3d[IX(numVertices, i, j, k)] = Color3f(RANDFLOAT, RANDFLOAT, RANDFLOAT);
// interpolate grid data, we assume the grid is a unit cube
float px, py, pz;
float gx, gy, gz;
int gxi, gyi, gzi;
float tx, ty, tz;
for (int i = 0; i < 10e2; ++i) {
// remap point coordinates to grid coordinates
gx = px * gridSize; gxi = int(gx); tx = gx - gxi;
gy = py * gridSize; gyi = int(gy); ty = gy - gyi;
gz = pz * gridSize; gzi = int(gz); tz = gz - gzi;
const Color3f & c000 = grid3d[IX(numVertices, gxi, gyi, gzi)];
const Color3f & c100 = grid3d[IX(numVertices, gxi + 1, gyi, gzi)];
const Color3f & c010 = grid3d[IX(numVertices, gxi, gyi + 1, gzi)];
const Color3f & c110 = grid3d[IX(numVertices, gxi + 1, gyi + 1, gzi)];
const Color3f & c001 = grid3d[IX(numVertices, gxi, gyi, gzi + 1)];
const Color3f & c101 = grid3d[IX(numVertices, gxi + 1, gyi, gzi + 1)];
const Color3f & c011 = grid3d[IX(numVertices, gxi, gyi + 1, gzi + 1)];
const Color3f & c111 = grid3d[IX(numVertices, gxi + 1, gyi + 1, gzi + 1)];

// [comment]
// The two following blocks of code do the same thing. The second version is just
// an expansion of the first version (the first version is more "human readable").
// [/comment]
#if 1
Color3f e = bilinear(tx, ty, c000, c100, c010, c110);
Color3f f = bilinear(tx, ty, c001, c101, c011, c111);
Color3f g = e * (1 - tz) + f * tz;
Color3f g =
(1 - tx)*(1 - ty)*(1 - tz)*c000 +
tx*(1 - ty)*(1 - tz)*c100 +
(1 - tx)*ty*(1 - tz)*c010 +
tx*ty*(1 - tz)*c110 +
(1 - tx)*(1 - ty)*tz*c001 +
tx*(1 - ty)*tz*c101 +
(1 - tx)*ty*tz*c011 +
delete[] grid3d;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef WIN32
return 0;
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These are (best avoided) POSIX functions; they are not part of the standard C or C++ libraries.

Change all occurrences of #ifdef WIN32 to #ifdef _WIN32 and you should be ok.
(If pre-compiled headers are not used, also comment out #include "stdafx.h")
Thank you @JLBorges. Your recommendations worked well.
However, when I was trying to run the code, it stopped immediately halfway and said:

"Exception thrown at 0x013EBDEC in Tokoik.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x000B7634."

A screenshot can be seen as well from this link:

Is there anything that I have to add more in my code???

Thank you for your response in advance...
> Is there anything that I have to add more in my code???

Add lines 42, 43, 201, 208-215 as shown here;
this will demonstrate where (and how/why) the code is thoroughly broken.
Thanks @JLBorges, it worked now. I can see now the pictures of "bilinear.ppm" (link: and "inputbilinear1.ppm" (link: However, I am just wondering why:

1. Every time I run my code, same random colors are displayed in the PPM viewer?
2. I think the reason why it has an error at the middle of running the code as shown in the figure because there is not data for 3D(trilinear)?

> 1. Every time I run my code, same random colors are displayed in the PPM viewer?

Look at line 271 srand(1308);

To generate a different random sequence each time the program is run, seed the rng with different values each time. eg, #include <ctime> and then std::srand( std::time(nullptr) );

> I think the reason why it has an error at the middle of running the code as shown in the figure because there is not data for 3D(trilinear)?

Yes; the program error terminates in the middle of testTrilinearInterpolation()
Thank you very much @JLBorges. :)
I am still struggling with the testTrilinearInterpolation().
I also tried to add:

saveToPPM("./inputtrilinear1.ppm", imageData, imageWidth, imageWidth);

just to mimic the pattern from bilinear function, but it didn't do the trick as well. :(

I am just wondering as well if these functions are really helpful in computer graphics like "interpolating" 3D polygonal surfaces?
> if these functions are really helpful in computer graphics like "interpolating" 3D polygonal surfaces?

I have no domain knowledge in this area.
My strong hunch is that it would be useful in some kinds of graphics programs;
and as a corollary, I would expect that this functionality must be provided by several graphics libraries.
Thank you very much @JLBorges for sharing your insights. God bless you. :)
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