Need to get my program to print multiple names

I can get the program to print out one name but I need it to be able to print out duplicates. Any help is always appreciated.

#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace std;


int main()

bool foundNames = false; //Fix for names never showing
//Constants for array lengths
const int TELE_NUM = 15;
const int LENGTH = 30;

//Array of contact names/numbers
char contacts[TELE_NUM][LENGTH] =
"Alejandra Cruz, 555-1223",
"Joey Looney, 555-0997",
"Geri Palmer, 555-8787",
"Li Chen, 555-1212",
"Holly Gadis, 555-8878",
"Sam Wiggins, 555-0998",
"Bob Kain, 555- 8712",
"Tim Haynes, 555-7676",
"Warren Gaddis, 555-9037",
"Jean James, 555-4939",
"Ron Palmer, 555-2783"

char lookup[LENGTH]; //Holding users input
char *strPtr = nullptr; //To hold point to the found product
int index; //Loop counter

//Prompt user for the persons name/phone number
cout << "Enter the partial name or phone number of the person you're looking for. This is case sensitive \n";
cin.getline(lookup, LENGTH);

//Search the array for the matching substring
for (index = 0; index < TELE_NUM; index++)
strPtr=strstr(contacts[index], lookup);
if (strPtr != nullptr) //Actual fix for names never showing "!="

//If there was a matching name or phone number display the results
if (strPtr != nullptr)
cout << contacts[index] << endl;
foundNames = true;
cout << "There was no person or phone number that matched your input" << endl;

return 0;
First, please use code tags when posting code. See

Your 'search' stops on first match, does it not? Why?

for (index = 0; index < TELE_NUM; index++)
  strPtr = strstr( contacts[index], lookup );
  if (strPtr != nullptr)
    cout << contacts[index] << endl;
    foundNames = true;

if( !foundNames )
  cout << "There was no person or phone number that matched your input" << endl;

PS. Why do you include <string>, but don't use std::string anywhere?
Force of habit.
Also, I'm not sure how to display multiple names. That's why I asked.
To include <string> is a habit? How about developing a new habit to use std::string and to not use char arrays & C's string functions?
Thanks for the info.
Now are you going to answer my question?
I can get the program to print out one name but I need it to be able to print out duplicates.

Look for duplicates. When you find one, print it out.

Which of those two things is difficult for you?
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The program isn't stopping on the first thing it finds.

It's going thru the entire list, and any time it finds a match, it remembers a pointer to that match. The program is probably reporting the LAST thing it finds.

Instead of recording a pointer then printing the info out after the loop, why not do the input within the loop? That's the simplest answer to the problem - just output the answers as they are found. No pointer needed.

If you have to use pointers, then you're going to need to store a list of them in an array, or something like that.
Now are you going to answer my question?

Which question? How to print all matching lines?

The code that I did post is not identical to what you did post. Mine should print them all.
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