Encryption/ Decryption

closed account (Nw09Nwbp)
Write a program to decrypt a file named “encrypted text.txt” by using the key found in a file named “key.txt”. Write the decrypted text to a file called “decrypted text.txt”. The key file contains two letters per line: the first is the character in the encrypted text, and the second is the corresponding decrypted character. The encrypted text was created by replacing
all characters except for spaces in an original plain English text with the corresponding character using the key.

No idea where to start or what to do SOS
Can you write a program to read "encrypted text.txt" and print it out?
closed account (Nw09Nwbp)
I'm guessing thats what we are supposed to do I just don't know how
Are you saying that you can't write a program to read a text file a line at a time and print it out? Have you been going to class/reading the book/whatever?
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