How To Properly Compile Program Made In QT Creator 4.8 To Visual Studio C++ 2017?

Hello Professionals,

Good day. I would like to ask your advice how to properly compile program made in QT Creator 4.8 to Visual Studio C++ 2017?

Thank you for your response in advance and God bless.

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This question demonstrates a misunderstanding.

CMAKE is a tool used to help build software. That software being built may be written in C++, it may not be.

QT Creator is a tool used to help write software. That software being written could be written in C++.

GLEW is a library, written in C, that many C++ programs make use of.

The question makes no sense.
Thank you for clarifying my doubts Mr. Repeater. I think I have to change the title of my question. I think I have to change my title to "Compiling".
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You should really learn to use google.

This is for qt 5.9, but nothing is stopping you from upgrading if it doens't work.
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