Reading Text File with Delimiter.

closed account (S37X216C)
So the file contains integers, string, and a delimiter ','.
It looks like this in the file

1234, Whitney Frost, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

There are 10 students and 5 test scores for each student.
Please help!

Create 4 arrays: a 1-D array to store the students’ id, 1-D array to store the students’ names, a parallel 2-D array to store the test scores, and a parallel 1-D array to store letter grades.
Read data into the 3 arrays from the file data121.txt. If the file is not found, the program needs to terminate with this error, “Data file not found.”
Calculate and store a letter grade into a 1-D array based on the total score, sum up all scores for each student, for example if the total score is 82, then the grade is a B.
Score Letter grade
90 ~ 100 A
80 ~ 89 B
70 ~ 79 C
60 ~ 70 D
0 ~ 60 F
Once the data has been read into the arrays, implement the following 3 steps.
Display all students’ names, scores, and their grades,
Calculate and display a student name that received overall maximum points,
Calculate and display the average of all elements in the array test scores,
Generate a new text file report121.txt and save students’ names and grades.
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Look at getline:
closed account (S37X216C)
Well I have,
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main(){
const int STUDENT_INFO=10;
int studentIds[STUDENT_INFO];
string studentNames[STUDENT_INFO];
const int ROWS=10;
const int COLS=5;
int studentScores[ROWS][COLS];
char letterGrades[5] = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F'};

ifstream inputFile;"data121.txt");
cout << "Error.\n";
for(int i=0; i<STUDENT_INFO; i++){
getline(inputFile, studentIds[i], '.');
inputFile >> studentIds[i];
cout << studentIds[i] << endl;
But when I run it the error is in the line where getline is at, saying that the type mismatched.
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You do have:
int studentIds[STUDENT_INFO];

ifstream inputFile;
getline( inputFile, studentIds[i], '.');

where studentIds[i] is clearly int.

The available getline function is:
istream& getline ( istream& is, string& str, char delim );

The int is not string&. A mismatch.

Question of logic: Is the student ID a number or a word? Does it have to be a number?
In other words, you can decide to go around that problem.

The scores are numbers. Again, there are two options:
A: Read number into string and then convert it into int.

B: Read directly to int ( inputFile >> score; ) and then handle the comma.
( if stream has 12, 13, 14 and you use the >>, then score==12 and stream has still , 13, 14)
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