HWND txt color

I'm trying to give a color for 1 single HWND in my win32 api.. So far I managed to give color for txt/background but that's for all the static HWNDs i have as follow:

HWND txtview1

HWND txtview2

HDC hdcStatic = (HDC)wParam;


SetTextColor(hdcStatic, RGB(0, 0, 150));

SetBkColor(hdcStatic, RGB(0, 230, 0));

return (INT_PTR)CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 0255, 255));


I know it gets applied to wParam which is the whole thing.. But I want to apply it to 1 single HWND called (txtview1) not to txtview2 too I tried: HDC hdcStatic = GetDC(txtview1) but it doesn't take affect, any hint is much appreciated.
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