using pointers as members of struct

i want to use pointers as member of prgram should read ISBN numbers of multiple books from file


using namespace std;

struct inventory{

char *isbn;


void read_inventory()

ifstream fin;"file.txt");

int row = 2;
int col = 2;
inventory **s;

s = new inventory*[row];

for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
s[i] = new inventory[col];

//s[0].isbn = "1253782-01-00";
//s[1].isbn = "1111223213124";

s[0][0].isbn= new char[20];
s[0][1].isbn = new char[20];

for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)

fin >> s[i][j].isbn;


for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)

cout<< s[i][j].isbn;



int main()


I didn't run your code, but realize that you're only pointing s[0][0].isbn and s[0][1].isbn to valid char arrays. All of your other elements, s[0...row-1][0..col-1].isbn, are not pointing to valid data, so doing fin >> s[i][j].isbn at that point is invalid.
Ar12414 wrote:
i want to use pointers as member of struct

Your struct has one member only. A char pointer.

Do yourself a favour. Use C++. Use a string. Don't use char pointers. Don't use dynamic memory allocatino. Don't use arrays. Don't make a 2D array of char. JUST STOP AND WRITE C++ INSTEAD.
Your program has the following bugs and shortcomings. All of these would be fixed if you used the C++ facilities available to you such as strings and vectors.
- The program leaks like a colander. You leak the s array and all of the isbn's.
- If you fixed the leaks, you probably wouldn't be able to copy one inventory to another without creating another leak.
- You only read the first 2 characters of each isbn. What if there are more?
- You can only read 2 isbn's. Not 1, not 3, not 17. Just two.

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