can you help me for Data Structures

Hello guys I can't do this can you help me please.

In computer science, an arithmetic expression can be written as either a postfix, infix or
prefix expression. You can see the examples for each of these types. Notice that the
individual numbers and operators are separated with one space.
Infix: 12 + (2 * 5) + 3 => 25 → 12 + 2 * 5 + 3 => 25
Postfix: {[12 (2 5 *) +] 3 +} => 25 → 12 2 5 * + 3 + => 25
Prefix: {+ [+ 12 (* 2 5)] 3} => 25 → + + 12 * 2 5 3 => 25
An interesting observation is the order of operands are same for all types of expressions.
However, same observation does not fit to the order of operators. Knowing that, you can
convert each expression to another manually. You can see a step by step example which
converts an arithmetic expression from infix form to prefix form.
Step 1: 32 + 5 * 12 – 3 * 13
Step 2: 32 + (5 * 12) – (3 * 13)
Step 3: 32 + (* 5 12) - (* 3 13)
Step 4: (32 + (* 5 12)) - (* 3 13)
Step 5: (+ 32 (* 5 12)) - (* 3 13)
Step 6: - (+ 32 (* 5 12)) (* 3 13)
Step 7: - + 32 * 5 12 * 3 13
Your first job for this question is to write a function that implements a stack based algorithm
which performs a conversion from infix to prefix form on a given string as a parameter. You
may want to make a little research about the topic on the Internet. The prototype of the
function should look like:
char* infix_to_prefix(const char* infix_str);
Your second job is to evaluate the returned prefix expression from the
infix_to_prefix function and write the result to the terminal. Your program must take
the input (which are the lines of the text file) from the provided file to a queue. Each
line in the file contains an expression. Then, you can take each element from the queue and
convert to prefix form and evaluate the result.
You must follow the operator precedence rules to synchronize your stack contents of the C
programming language. Your output should look exactly like to the above sample run.
Your program should run similar for different text files that have the same format. Thus,
write your programs as generic as possible. Your program will be tested with a different 50
arithmetic expressions.
If you google "infix to prefix" you'll find some solutions.
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