Witch environmrnt is the best, for C++ programming?

Hi all,
This is my first message here.
I use Visual C++ 6.0 and just want to ask you witch environment do you use for C++ programming and what are the advantages of that environment?
I use Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express edition, which is free. I find it pretty easy to use and is typically compliant with standards.

return 0;
I'm using Dev-C++. I'm a noobie and it's simple. I have Visuall C++ 2008 as well which I play around in sometimes. Also Visual C++'s mem usage is like 100,000k for me and takes a minute to load =/
On Windows, Eclipse Ganymede + CDT with Mingw (GCC 3.9.5)
On Linux, Eclipse Europa + CDT + GCC 4.X

Advantages for me.
-> It's a multi-platform IDE I can use on both Windows and Linux
-> Good integration with GCC/MingW
-> Good SubVersion plugin for version control
-> Good code-style templates (K&R ftw)
-> I don't have to install it, I can zip it and email it up to a co-worker and they can unzip it and it works.
-> Don't need to fk around with .NET versions.
-> Ctrl+Click on Variable/Function Names
-> Code Hover on Functions/Variables for definitions
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Thank you all for explanation. It seems that I am the only one that use Visual C++ 6.0 :) am I? Is there another one uses it?
I have Visual C++6 (and version 5 and 4) all gathering dust on a shelf.
After Microsoft sidelined it - it was just a matter of time before I had to move on as well.
I used to use MSVC++6.0. But I was never a fan of MFC so I quickly moved away from it. Because MFC isn't really supported by Microsoft it's probably better to move into WPL (I'd skip Windows Forms).
Lol use Code::Blocks with MingW
It's great !!! has form maker in it or use
with is awesome
You'll need to get wxpack for both though! kk :D
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