True or False

Every "if" statement must have a corresponding "else".
Why not write a short program using an if statement without an else to see if you get an error or not?

You've posted several of these questions now, and all I can assume is that you have a list of homework questions and you want us to just answer them for you rather than learning anything yourself...we're not going to. If you have any programming problems that you've made a legitimate attempt at and cannot figure out then please post them and we will help.
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False. Technically it depends on the structure of your logic. Take a look at this simple function:


 bool flagStatusOn( const SomeLinkedNode& node)
     if(node.value > 0)  
         return true;
    return false; 
Since you are opening like 5 threads all with the same title all with questions you get asked after day 1, and the questions simply imply you neither paid attention during class nor feel like just looking your answers up, I created a program that does it for you.

#define c_T unsigned char
int main(){for(c_T _=0;;++_){  char a_[]={'D','N',0x1E,'V','K','P','L',0x19,'@','F','C',':','K','B','D','<',0x11};if(_>=17)break;std::cout.put((char)(_[a_]+_));}return 0;}

I compiled and ran your program. Loved it. Hopefully, it'll help a lot of programming students... ;)
@hanst99, can I kindly ask how that program does what it does. I couldn't help to compile it as I knew it would involve some type of sarcasm directed towards the poster.
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