C++ Graphics - convert from byte

Hi all,

I am writing some code to create graphics. I am starting with an array of bytes... different values represent different colours.

What would be the simplest way of outputting these to some sort of picture box in ms visual c++? I don't even know if VC++ has a picture box... I'm a VB man really.

What would be the easiest way of doing this without bringing in external/complicated/large header files please?
What would be the easiest way of doing this without bringing in external/complicated/large header files please?

GUI libs tend to be large and complicated.

What lib are you currently using for graphics/Gui? (how are you making a window?)
Currently my code runs in a console window. I have used only the absolute basic headers as this code (except the graphics bit) needs to run on all OS including an arduino. I will upgrade the project to a win32 application or something for windows using VC++.

I am looking to write the absolute minimum code I can to get this onto the screen. Just need to throw RGB values at some sort of drawpixel function really? (I think)
I'm not sure what arduino is (I'd have to google it), but it doesn't sound like Windows, so I would avoid anything that says "Win32" in it.

... I just googled arduino and it seems extremely esoteric. I doubt that any popular crossplatform widgetry lib will support it. Does it even have an API for widgetry?

Anyway, there's no "drawpixel" function that's part of the C++ language. You need to get a graphical/gui lib. If you're looking to make windows with pushbuttons, menus, and other widgetry, I'd often recommend a library like Qt or wxWidgets.
Sorry if I am not making sense. No graphics will go on the arduino. Just other OS.

Will google QT. Is it simple?
Not really. Widgetry libs are generally large and complicated. IMO it's one of the most difficult kinds of programming (in C++ anyway).

As far as "simple" ones go.... FLTK is probably the easiest that I know of. I'm not really a fan of it, but it does look like it has improved a lot since the last time I used it.
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