Heap corruption problem

So I just started trying out some multithreaded programming for the first time, and I've run into this heap corruption problem. Basically the program will run for some random length of time (as short as 2 seconds, as long as 200) before crashing and spitting out a heap corruption error. Everything I've read on the subject says its very hard thing to diagnose, since the what triggers the error often has little to do with what actually causes it. As such, I remain stumped.

I haven't been formally taught multithreading however, so I was mostly programming off of what I understood of the concept, and my code may be completely wrong. So here's a basic rundown of what I'm trying to do and how the program currently tries to handle it:

I'm writing code for a simple game that involves drawing several parallaxing layers of background. These levels are very large (eg 20000x5000 pixels), so obviously trying to load 3 layers of those sized images is not feasible (if not impossible). So currently the images are split up into 500x500 images and I have the code only have the images it immediately needs to display held in memory. Any images it has loaded that it no longer needs are removed from memory. However, in a single thread, this causes the program to hang significantly while waiting for the image to load before continuing.

This is where multithreading seemed logical to me. I wanted the program to do the loading it needed to do, without affecting the smoothness of the game, as long as the image was loaded by the time it was actually needed. So here is how I have it organized:

1.) All the data for where the images should go and any data associated with them is all stored in one multidimensional array, but initially no image data is loaded. Each frame, the code checks each position on the array, and tests if the spot where the image should go is within some radius of the player.
2.) If it is, it flags this spot as needing to be loaded. A pointer to where the image should be loaded into is push_back()'d onto a vector.
3.) The second thread is started once the level begins. This thread is initially passed a pointer to the aforementioned vector.
4.) This thread is put into an infinite While loop (which by itself sounds wrong) that only terminates when the thread is terminated. This loop continuously checks if there are any elements in the vector. If there are, it grabs the 0th element, loads the image data into that pointer, then .erase()'s the element from the vector.

That's pretty much a rundown of how it works. My uneducated assumption is that the 2 threads collide at some point trying to write and delete in the same space at once or something. Given that I'm new to this I'm certain this method is terrible to some embarrassing degree, so I'm eager to hear what I should improve upon.
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