need help please!!!

hi. i have an assignment due tomorrow and i am a beginner and i need help. i started it and i think i have most of it done. i have to get statistics for 8 teams and write the wins, losses, ties.. etc. i used the for loop and have everything for the first team the only problem is that i dont know how to put the data in for the rest of the seven teams and i have to make the data up myself. im not sure how to use cin and dont know where it goes. also at the bottom of my program i have four if else statements in total and i need to print out only two, but four keep printing. how do i fix that. thanks in advance. this is my program:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
int idnumb, wins, losses, ties, totalgames, remaininggames, finalscore;
float winningaverage;

cout<<"this program will print out the statistics for eight football teams."<< endl;
for (idnumb=1; idnumb<=8; idnumb=idnumb+1) {
cout<<"team"<<" ";
cout<<"4 wins"<<" "<<"4 losses"<<" "<< "5 ties"<<endl;
cout<<"total number of games played is"<<" ";
wins=4, losses=4, ties=5;
if (totalgames==16)
cout<<" the season is finished";
else (totalgames<16);
cout<< " the season is not finished";
cout<<"the winning average is"<<" ";
if (ties>=wins)
cout<<"the number of games tied is greater than or equal to the number of games won"<<endl;
else (ties<=wins);
cout<<"the number of games tied is not greater than or equal to the number of games won";
if (ties>losses)
cout<<"the number of games tied is not greater than the number of games lost"<<endl;
else (ties<losses);
cout<<"the number of games tied is greater than the number of games lost"<<endl;
cout<<"final team score is ";
return 0;
I'm not sure i know what you are asking.
Pleas use code tags - the <> button on the right.

Have you heard of Google ? Or the reference section on this page at the top left?

So you need to look up these things as a minimum

cin, arrays or vectors, for loops, compound statements.

Another thing - consider starting your assignments much earlier !!!!
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